1.  A customer who wanted to raise more than ten pounds had first to agree terms and interest with the pawnshop-owner.

2.  A financial plan for the entire project has yet to be worked out.

3.  A great at-bat by Manny Ramirez and a poor play by center fielder Brady Anderson had a lot to do with it.

4.  A hereditary Forest warden had therefore to seek royal confirmation if he wished to grant away his bailiwick.

5.  Adelina has yet to reach her production quota.

6.  Bosses have yet to Decide which show the family will star in, but Coronation Street and Emmerdale are favourites.

7.  Clearly the criterion for survival has little to do with narrative verve alone.

8.  Clinton has yet to nominate a successor for Fed Gov.

9.  Crews had yet to recover the main body of the plane and the engine.

10.  Digital Systems, a government contractor, has yet to explain how t will succeed where Opus failed.

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