1.  DeNucci has said recordkeeping was also poor in Abandoned Property, which Foley oversaw in recent years.

2.  Cuban officials have said that any internal opposition is microscopic, and is in no way connected to the bombings.

3.  Cuba's foreign minister has said that his government would welcome a more open relationship.

4.  Deri has said there is no truth to the allegation.

5.  Del Villar has said that organized crime flourished under the administration of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who now is living in self-imposed exile.

6.  Deonarine's lawyer has said the doctor wrote only legitimate prescriptions.

7.  Desmarest had said Total won't back out of the 1995 agreement or stop seeking new ones because of the U.S. law.

8.  Cuomo has said the bill would hurt the very poor who have few housing alternatives.

9.  Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz has said that the Afghan habit of changing alliances makes it a dangerous place for foreigners.

10.  Deputy IRS Commissioner Michael Dolan has said that the proposed budget cuts are so deep that they might cause tax collections to decline.

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