71.  Stoddard Templeton are increasing their marketing activities with a new initiative aimed at attracting customers into retailers throughout the country.

72.  The many new applications of mathematics in technology, management and environmental science have increased the demand for mathematics graduates in a wide range of occupations.

73.  This should increase the probability that a review committee will be able to approve a lower budget for a given output than if the bureau were a monopoly supplier.

74.  This has increased the methods by which organisms can be classified.

75.  Each of these abnormalities of gastric function will increase the duodenal acid load, thus supporting a role for duodenal acidity in the pathogenesis of the ulceration.

76.  Their consumption may increase sulphate ingestion naturally to quite high amounts.

77.  This should increase faith in its general reliability.

78.  Bore samples will increase these costs.

79.  The outside arbitrator cannot increase the reference to include other matters.

80.  Theres been increasing pressure on education authorities to reduce the number of empty places at schools, which means some village schools have had to combine or close altogether.

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