81.  Eating protein will not raise insulin.

82.  Drug-education programs have also raised some concerns among civil libertarians, who feel uneasy about classrooms being turned over to uniformed police officers.

83.  Even an obvious target like the tobacco industry need only raise the specter of a lawsuit to make mighty news organizations quake.

84.  European and Asian financial houses are also raising the ante.

85.  Education has always raised incomes.

86.  Edwards is now raising the possibility of using the blue slip himself on Boyle.

87.  Females could easily raise young on their own, toting infants on their backs while barely having to reach for a meal.

88.  Finance Minister Theo Waigel has already raised an outcry by hinting at increased taxes on pensioners.

89.  Every state except Hawaii has since raised its highway speed limit in what has become an unofficial test of the long-held belief that speed kills.

90.  Flawed disease reporting had unnecessarily raised concerns of bioterrorism.

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