101.  A flat-calm water, clear sky and a bright quarter moon are not the sort of conditions we associate with good catches.

102.  A folio edition was an expensive item, but even cheaper quarto editions of most writers were not available readily.

103.  A four-year-old child should not be left on their own.

104.  A fourth criticism faults the scientific method, because it does not help answer the crucial normative questions of politics.

105.  A free economy does not mean the absence of any economic control.

106.  A free holiday does not include optional insurance premium.

107.  A fretful wind was not enough to open them and shed light on the ruptured earth in which they lay.

108.  A fundamental objection is that the church should not be part of the government.

109.  A further example of abstract form which is not mere pattern is Tantric art.

110.  A further piece of veracity lay in the fact that Imelda could not embrace the concept of life without a husband.

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