1.  So I thought eat more fruit and vegetables, not to ear too much sugar and fat is a real healthy diet .

2.  But people in the western world do not eat such healthy foods.

3.  I am not understand which is right and why .

4.  But it had not any improvement.

5.  This made the people who were using "486" or "386" have to change their computer into "586", or they would not use the new softwares well.

6.  The last week we handed in ten "Lei Feng" composition every term , so we write not good, but this term we handed I two, so we must write better.

7.  On Thursday we had a 800 metres run exercise, though it was not a test, we must run five rings around the football stadium.

8.  I ran with the girls of our class, when I ran arround the second ring , I begun to feel tied, but there was three left, I did not give up, when I ran arround the forth ring, I felt very tied, and my leg was very heavy, then I said to myself , there's only one left, I must insist, must go to the end, I encourage myself to the end .

9.  Not long after , I have ever thought: In the future, I will write the composition in English.

10.  Teacher do not mind .

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