1. Where is the dividing line between normal use and addiction?
2. However, there are clear practical differences between the measures in their normal use, particularly in the fact that recall is normally enhanced by providing additional retrieval cues.
3. LIFESPAN errors are unlikely to occur in normal use of LIFESPAN ABLE.
4. COMMENT The normal use for this is to describe the modification.
5. When the Offline System no longer requires the VDU it will release it back to VMS for normal use.
6. LIFESPAN errors are unlikely to occur in normal use of PI.
7. According to the researchers, normal use of the material is safe, but it may be harmful to humans when equipment is being assembled or scrapped.
8. Doctors inserted two screws in the thumb, told Mashburn he might never play again and would certainly never regain normal use of the hand.
9. Four of seven rats that should have been impaired instead had normal use of the paw involved.
10. For Maytag, this was a chance to see how their washers performed under normal use.