11.  Any sign that economic growth is feeding through to prices could raise concern that the Federal Reserve might have to raise rates at its next meeting on March 25.

12.  Cubas was especially annoyed that details of his negotiations with the Yankees had wound up in newspapers the next day.

13.  Cuddled next to McCormack on his dressing-room couch, co-star Debra Messing nods in agreement.

14.  Culberson wasn't sure what's next.

15.  Culinary schools are training the next generation to meet the new demands.

16.  Deregulation is expected to allow consumers to shop for power in the next few years rather than be required to take it from a regulated utility.

17.  Deregulation of Ohio's electricity market is expected over the next several years and could be addressed by the Ohio legislature as soon as next year, Abramson said.

18.  Derek Jeter was next.

19.  Derek Jeter was up next.

20.  Deion sure made a difference, and now he is a free agent again next year.

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