1. Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.
2. At one point, the insurgents even approached the new Francophile capital of Beirut.
3. Modifying current equipment enables them to minimise new capital outlay while the product is being launched and its success evaluated.
4. Money put into pay packages of top executives is not money spent on new capital equipment.
5. The open-year problem also deters new capital, for it threatens to saddle newcomers too with unquantifiable losses from the past.
6. These rights may be waived by the shareholders at a general meeting so that the new capital may be raised by means of a placing.
7. During the year new capital schemes were completed.
8. They provide assistance to firms in raising new capital through the issue of new shares.
9. In the absence of the secondary market the time required to raise new capital would be prolonged and the costs involved increased.
10. Andrews said that he would first address the crime problem, and then seek to attract new capital to cities while not forgetting existing businesses.