61.  A manual of advice on how best to forecast the demand for new rail services of various types will then be prepared.

62.  A market building can inject new life into an area.

63.  A more tactful idea would be a new Body Shop perfume.

64.  A new academic journal, Fashion Theory, hopes to document and analyze such moments in the evolution of the style industry.

65.  A new accounting standard allowed the thrifts to amortize the losses over the life of the loans.

66.  A new Act will guarantee sanctuary to genuine refugees but prevent bogus applications for asylum.

67.  A new addition to the collection is Signature Automatic Pencils for brows, lips and eyes.

68.  A new agency was created to regulate the telecommunications industry.

69.  A new alarm system has been installed.

70.  A new assembly language entails yet another learning curve.

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