61.  I need perseverance and patience.

62.  If not, why we need to distinguish male and female?

63.  If we really don't need to discriminate men and women, nature must drop it in the long history and only preserve one kind of human.

64.  On the contrary, if we need one to take care of the child, a woman is more suitable than men because women are more careful and patient.

65.  Mostly, in some areas, we need more men such as builders and carpenters; in other areas we prefer more women such as nurses and baby sisters.

66.  We women need to be treated equally; we want to receive the respect we deserve and we also want to share the world with the men.

67.  Unlike males who are always careless and rational, females display an innate character most suitable for the careers which need intelligence and patience.

68.  For example, when hunting for jobs, men are more willing to look for those logical and physical occupations while women apparently prefer work which needs communication, patience and carefulness.

69.  But men may choose lawyer or policemen because these jobs need more logical thinking.

70.  When doing research we need to read a lot of English literature.

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