1. Shares of computer equipment companies nationwide surged after several members of the industry reported earnings that exceeded expectations.
2. A VIDEO dealer yesterday denied controlling a nationwide company which supplied counterfeit tapes.
3. Another barometer of the health of venture-backed companies nationwide is the amount that goes to early-stage financing.
4. Cable and telephone companies nationwide are closely watching this standoff.
5. Companies nationwide have come to rely on such workers to fill computer programming, engineering and other technical jobs.
6. CompuSpeak, which was founded eight years ago, and a handful of other pioneering companies nationwide are building businesses around specialized speech-recognition systems and software.
7. Companies nationwide are preparing to report earnings for the quarter ending Wednesday, and the forecasts are not encouraging.
8. Few regional Bell companies nationwide have been as heavily criticized by consumer advocates as Nynex for service quality and cost.
9. Keep in touch with fellow graduates, particularly those in your field, advises OfficeTeam, a nationwide administrative staffing company based in Menlo Park, Calif.
10. Numerous companies nationwide have been racing to develop such secure signature forms for months.