1.  A Chechenlanguage theater and national Vaikakhk dance troupe began work.

2.  A database also exists as a national resource of innovative practice and ideas.

3.  A Decline in the national importance of industry must also, however, induce relative Decline in industrial regions.

4.  A Directive binds member states to certain specific objectives, but leaves them to implement the necessary measures through national laws.

5.  A few concerts were organised in connection with national holidays - for example on railworkers day or at officially sanctioned Youth parties.

6.  A final question which falls to be considered is whether they also apply to national legislation adopted prior to the directive.

7.  A flag is a symbol of national pride.

8.  A Hamas leaflet handed out at the cemetery called for three days of national mourning.

9.  A judicial investigation into his case ordered the arrest of a member of the national police.

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