71.  As a European monarch who must train a teen-age American girl (Anne Hathaway) to be regal, she's everyone's idea of what royalty should be.

72.  Currently those immigrants must only get a chest X-ray to check for active cases and get treated before they come.

73.  Currently to wrestle in New York, wrestlers must give references, divulge any criminal history and submit to a pre-match physical.

74.  Currently, a certified mechanic in Japan must be able to repair all car parts.

75.  Currently, an institutional investor must be identified in Nasdaq trades, though not in trades on a private trading system.

76.  Currently, athletes must serve their suspensions without any chance of competing.

77.  Currently, banks must report the lower of the value of stockholdings based on their purchase price or market price at the time of book closing.

78.  Currently, children must ride in safety seats until they are at least 4 years old and also weigh at least 40 pounds.

79.  Currently, companies in the first category must publish earnings reports quarterly, while companies in the second category must publish earnings biannually.

80.  Currently, customers in some areas must wait four months for a silver or yellow car.

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