21.  As a boy, he absorbed classical music on the radio and learned chemistry from a hand-me-down set, ChemCraft (NU)5.

22.  As a busdriver in Chicago in the 1960s, the senior Butler loved Sam Cooke, the Persuasions, and gospel music.

23.  As a child and a teen-ager, her interests leaned toward science and music.

24.  Depending on local cultures and basic principles, some religious musics try to leave behind earthy elements like catchy tunes and propulsive rhythms.

25.  Culturefinder is an online directory of mostly live entertainment _ theater, classical music, opera, dance and jazz _ as well as museums.

26.  Culver's music sounds agreeably Cageian, but has a sense of benediction about it as well, full of organlike sustained notes.

27.  Cunningham went further than choreographing without music or not dancing "to" music.

28.  Delighted and startled by the music, Byrne tracked down Ze.

29.  Despite a lack of subtle Straussian finesse from McGegan, the performance was a rewarding chance to hear seldom-performed music.

30.  Curator MacArgy was a fan of the Watters Jazz Band's music and of the early New Orleans styles from which it derived.

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