51.  Any reversal of that action would most likely have to come through the committee headed by Ratliff, who favors the status quo.

52.  Cubane molecules linked together in flexible chains, for example, might yield fibers even more useful than the nanotubes bred from fullerenes.

53.  Cuba's foreign minister has said that his government would welcome a more open relationship.

54.  Cuba's last oil discovery in 1995 tapped oil so heavy it more resembled boot polish than fuels like the diesel and gasoline derived from crude petroleum.

55.  Cubism, abstraction and Surrealism looked like entirely new modes of representation belonging more to imagination than to vision.

56.  Cuero's Robert Strait, as big as a house and almost as mobile, was the most heralded recruit in school history in 1989.

57.  Cuffy has told much of this story before.

58.  Cukurova was one of the Istanbul exchange's most active shares until trading was suspended on Nov. 1.

59.  Cullinane said he has visited Dublin three times in the last year and doesn't expect to appear much more frequently than that.

60.  Cullins said the estimated 15 seconds of the crash felt more like a million.

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