1.  A closer examination of the Celtic Church reveals a much greater deviation from Rome than is generally acknowledged or even known.

2.  A group of experts commissioned by the finance ministry is thought to have recommended much self-regulation, as in London.

3.  A large exhaust gas pressure implies that there is not much flow to the gas.

4.  A little learning is a dangerous thing - but great wisdom comes with much learning.

5.  A little too much wind, and everyone patting his hair back into place inside the door of the register office.

6.  A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.

7.  A man is much better known through painting than through photography.

8.  A much greater level of understanding is required to carry out more complex experiments.

9.  A poor response from Valencia was easily overcome and within the city there was much murmuring against the new ruler.

10.  A popular grass-roots councilwoman gives a few words of encouragement to much applause.

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