21.  Although his writing was more than occasionally readerproof, Stephane Mallarme (1842-98) was one of the most influential cultural figures of 19th-century France.

22.  Any reversal of that action would most likely have to come through the committee headed by Ratliff, who favors the status quo.

23.  Cuban-Americans were most likely to have completed college, according to the survey, with 17.9 percent reporting they had earned a bachelor's degree.

24.  Cuban's most recent public comments came after the Mavericks lost to San Antonio 105-103 on Saturday.

25.  CUBA-TOURISM _ HAVANA, Cuba _ Delightfully off-limits to most Americans, I first visited communist Cuba in 1991 simply because I wasn't supposed to.

26.  Cubs manager Jim Riggleman can sympathize with Wohlers better than most.

27.  Cuero's Robert Strait, as big as a house and almost as mobile, was the most heralded recruit in school history in 1989.

28.  Cukurova was one of the Istanbul exchange's most active shares until trading was suspended on Nov. 1.

29.  Culbreath said most of the cost of the lounges eventually will be recouped from the airlines.

30.  Derby says Wasser is the most "experimental" member of the band, and Masunaga plays most "esoterically."

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