1.  A battered old guitar was his most treasured possession.

2.  A bill that would have slashed child support payments for most divorced fathers failed in the state Assembly.

3.  A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even the people who loved her most.

4.  A brief discussion of the most popular herbs in game cooking is in order.

5.  A busy place at which most tourists cast no more than a cursory glance and pass on.

6.  A Cathedral is the principal church of a Diocese, not necessarily the largest or most magnificent.

7.  A cautionary note, applicable to most variegated plants is the problem of reversion.

8.  A closed loop that some one can catch their foot in and trip is one of the most frequent causes of industrial accidents.

9.  A coalition of the young and old might, from even the most tentative beginnings, grow into a formidable force.

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