91.  clouds are make of water, they May be made of little drops of water.

92.  May be a solid, or a liquid, or a gas .

93.  Moreover, we May refresh used water and polluted water and make them to be used again.

94.  People might as well prevent pollution from fresh water .

95.  People May think that fresh water is endless becase it can be gain from the rain, the rivers, the wells and so forth.

96.  We May take it for granted that fresh water is much more in supply than in demand.

97.  Most people consider that Fresh water is so adequate that it May not be used over .

98.  We often can get water from rainning , river , so many people May never worry about the shortage of the fresh water, and they often waste a lot of water in lifetime.

99.  People May live longer than before and the infant mortality is largely Decreased.

100.  From those data, we May think that health gains in developing countries.

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