1. At the same time, an aggressive firm would make maximum use of trade credit and short-term debt financing.
2. Commercial Union began to cope with the temporary loss of its headquarters building by making the maximum use of available space elsewhere.
3. However, by applying the correct type of training it is possible to make the maximum use of the twitch fibres present.
4. Local authorities will be expected to make maximum use of the independent sector.
5. Maximum use of state-of-the-art technology in place of costly and often error-prone personnel.
6. Maximum use of valuable real estate here became the crucial factor in station-building.
7. These and other economic development proposals have emphasized targeting and leveraging to get maximum use of the federal dollars.
8. These must be written legibly and without abbreviation, so that the student can make maximum use of them.
9. They made maximum use of the resources available.