41.  Accordingly, the initial reaction of the equity Markets was utterly perverse.

42.  Acer is one of the few companies shipping a monitor of this size aimed at the home Market.

43.  Add Apple Computer INC. to the growing casualty list of companies mired in the slumping personal computer Market.

44.  Added together, Market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.

45.  After all, an entrepreneur needs no assets to engage in profitable Market participation.

46.  After being primarily a research technology, parallel hardware now seems to be making inroads in the commercial Market.

47.  After Decades of dreary state-run television monopolies, most of these Markets are starting to open up to private competitors.

48.  After the bubble burst and concerns about the Market grew, annual Show results became closely watched indicators of Market strength.

49.  Against this background the member states of the Community asked the Commission to put forward proposals for achieving the single Market.

50.  Agriculture has also been the beneficiary of rapid industrial growth and urban development, which have created expanding Market opportunities.

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