71.  As a boy, Seymour Silverman delivered milk from his parents' pasteurizing plant on Columbia Street to many brothels.

72.  Department investigators also said there should have been more workers supervising the 15 children and three infants at the center.

73.  Department of Communications spokesman Moore said Ireland made that formal application June 13 in order to give the country more time to ready itself for competition.

74.  Department of Communications spokesman Richard Moore said Ireland made that formal application June 13 in order to give the country more time to ready itself for competition.

75.  Department officials fear that if his successor has a similar lack of background, many crucial decisions could be delayed for months.

76.  Department stores lagged, while most discounters did well.

77.  Depending on how many babies she can produce, the couple could net up to $150 million.

78.  Depending on how many candidates are in the race, that could be the magic number for victory in the early states of Iowa or New Hampshire.

79.  Depending on how many children are involved.

80.  Depending on how many this was, the fine could be as high as $250 million.

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