31.  But how many classes does she want to skip?

32.  Most of people suppose that pretty girls always tend to spend more time in dressing up, shopping, and dating instead of learning.

33.  With the approach of the class, more and more people walked into the classroom.

34.  There are also many other stereotypes on campus and it is quite easy for you to be confused.

35.  You need to waste more time finding ways to live harmony with so many roommates.

36.  She said it was easy to make more friends and you can have more fun because you have eleven roommates, eight more than me.

37.  I daren't say so because many people had the same idea as Lily's.

38.  Entering university and working hard for a good job may have been most students' stereotype.

39.  In Suzhou, most students are nonresident, which means we are dismissed at 4: 30p.

40.  Stereotype, a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person thing but which is often not true in reality, can be found everywhere, and so do campus.

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