61.  He had already studied many books which were about medicine.

62.  He found these were many problems on them, so he Decided to write a medicine book.

63.  He had been to many cities which lied on Chang Jiang and Yellow river ,he also visited many mountains and forests .

64.  It was translated into many languages and studied much too widely.

65.  at present there are not many Milu deer in nature parks in China, but the number is increasing every year.

66.  many people have asked me, "which is the most beautiful country you have ever seen ?

67.  In the halls of the first four storeys there are many .

68.  in fact, the Yellow Crane Tower was first built more them 1,600 years ago.

69.  most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and basketball.

70.  it has a great many flowers.

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