1. According to Cox, nearly one job is lost among subcontractors and small service businesses for every manufacturing job that goes away.
2. He estimates that for every one manufacturing job there are up to four service sector jobs dependent on it.
3. Wilson noted that California has been adding more manufacturing jobs, despite a nationwide Decline in this business sector.
4. Every month twenty thousand manufacturing jobs go.
5. More manufacturing jobs could be on the line.
6. Although many manufacturing jobs have been relocated to the outer boroughs, the garment center remains a hub.
7. Already, industries like elderly care, hospital work and the lowest-paying farming and manufacturing jobs are struggling to find enough workers to keep up with demand.
8. And every sector of the economy except manufacturing added jobs from the same time a year ago, with the biggest gains coming at restaurants and retail stores.
9. An economy that continues to shed the type of manufacturing jobs that once lifted noncollege-educated workers into the middle class only worsens the problem.