1.  A man had his arm around her, rocking her from side to side as the singers swayed with their patriotic song.

2.  A man has a moral duty to obey the law.

3.  A young man had epilepsy in a somewhat unusual form.

4.  According to Winston, men generally have a longer ring finger than index finger.

5.  All through the ages men have had names which recognised their prowess at arms or through some physical attribute.

6.  Anyway men have physical needs, he complained.

7.  As I looked round the hut, I knew that the mysterious man must have a very strong character.

8.  Both men had reason to prefer the gloom, for one was a traitor and the other a spy.

9.  Could I really stand to live in a society where men had all the privileges and women none?

10.  During the court case it emerged that both men had convictions for terrorist offences.

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