61.  As a child, I wept for George Washington's hungry, barefoot men, their feet bleeding in the snow.

62.  As a child, I'd often visit my father's business, and the only way to get to the entrance was to step over several sleeping men.

63.  Despite 30 years of affirmative action, 95 percent of senior management positions are still held by white men, who constitute only 43 percent of the work force.

64.  Despite 95 degree-heat, the men are laughing.

65.  Despite a hard-edged exterior, he is a man of deep emotions.

66.  Despite a widespread manhunt, the man who started it all on Friday had not been found by nightfall.

67.  Despite all lip service to the contrary, American men still aren't encouraged to express their emotions about much of anything.

68.  Despite all of his experience and chalkboard ingenuity, Tobin has never distinguished himself as a leader of men.

69.  Despite all of O'Brien's connections to great coaching traditions, he has always been his own man.

70.  Cupid (ABC): A man (Jeremy Piven) claims he's Cupid and that he must bring together 100 couples to get back to Mount Olympus.

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