21.  A couple of men started fighting and we had to pull them apart.

22.  A crazy man, some one she had never seen before, took a shot at her from a rooftop.

23.  A cross between man and other branches of mammals, that lived in the sea?

24.  A curate rode towards them on a bicycle and raised his flat hat as he passed the column of men.

25.  A dangerous man, and a man who lived eternally in danger.

26.  A dark, handsome face stayed in her mind, the present man mixed with the past dream.

27.  A deputation of Confederates had come to demand that he and his men evacuate the fort without further delay.

28.  A deputation of dark-suited, middle-aged men appeared at the hotel entrance, smiling like grannies at a railway station.

29.  A dirty, shabbily dressed man was sitting on the bench.

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