11.  A man cried his wares at his newspaper a loud voice at the public square: "A astonishing of defraud ncident .

12.  The Deceived man already achieved eighty woman .

13.  The sold the newspaper's man, shouted again: "The astonishing of defraud incident, the Deceived man already achieved eighty-three man .

14.  The brave man "I rushed into my boss's office as a tiger, and patted energetically at his table, desired him to increase the wages for me!!"

15.  The night before the proession, the two men had their lights burning all night long.

16.  One day when he was walking along the sands towards his boat, Crusoe saw in the sand the Mark of a man's foot.

17.  Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal her's doorbell.

18.  He sent a special governor to Altorf , a man named Gessler.

19.  So the goverment send two men to his house to get his papers back .

20.  The two men take the wrong papers.

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