61.  The color of their skin, their facial and physical features, the clothes they wear and the manner in which they speak may cause immense effects when we make prior assumptions.

62.  During our conversation, he seldom made eye contact with me which seemed that he was not really interested in our topic at all and that really made me feel a little embarrassed.

63.  That really makes me , an art student , feel shameful.

64.  Though their reaction speed may be less than boys, diligence is the means by which one makes up for one's dullness.

65.  The process of thinking and counting can make you have a sense of achievement.

66.  Don't make such a fuss.

67.  This makes me think of the gatekeeper showing up in The Big Bang Theory.

68.  So it is necessary to make a change.

69.  This had made me feel uncomfortable.

70.  "If you want to show off, please make sure you have adequate money first. "

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