1. And even if this possible outcome starts to look a more likely one, we should not give up hope.
2. And in no other travel magazine is one likely to find photographs by Corinne Day, a creator of the heroin-chic look.
3. But, barring great stupidity on both sides, not a likely one.
4. He and I were the likely ones to be named.
5. His aides said that the commission debates were the only ones likely to be carried by all the major television networks and seen by the broadest television audience possible.
6. I punched the most likely one.
7. If the lung cancer test ever becomes an accepted procedure, those with litle or no insurance will be the ones least likely to benefit from it.
8. In addition, several House members said the opportunity to vote on four different constitutional amendments without a single one likely to pass creates a climate for mischief.
9. Legal experts agree that it is likely one or both cases will eventually reach the Supreme Court.
10. Older teens, Elliott said, may be the ones most likely to refuse to talk about the developments in the White House affair.