1.  Furthermore, girls now smoke as many cigarettes and are as likely to inhale as boys.

2.  He said that customers, including those served by Sempra's subsidiary, San Diego Gas & Electric, are likely to see rates double.

3.  Intellimouse, and Microsoft's other hardware forays, are likely to spur similar changes.

4.  Medical advances are a big factor _ top politicians are likely to get the best technology and doctors available.

5.  More than 6 million of the 40 million Americans 65 and older are likely to experience depression, but only about 1 million will seek treatment.

6.  Now, she said, Republicans "are likely to believe it was a Democratic dirty trick.

7.  Prices "are likely to come under pressure from a continuing tight labor market," Greenspan warned the congressional Joint Economic Committee on March 20.

8.  Such diseases and behavioral traits, though linked to genetics, likely are highly influenced by outside _ what scientists call environmental _ factors.

9.  The children of the working poor are less likely to be covered than are welfare recipients.

10.  The firm also reckons those industries are likely to be more profitable than other possible investments such as retailing.

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