1.  Defensive Player of the Year: If Robinson is dethroned as MVP, let him have this one, for his ability to be everywhere at once.

2.  Denver did everything to let Atlanta stay in the game, but on the Falcons' next two series, Chandler threw interceptions.

3.  Cuba, though, doesn't plan to let foreign banks offer their services.

4.  Cuban authorities would let Mr. Fornieles take only $5 out of the country with him.

5.  Cubs management let Myers walk away after the 1995 season because they feared his elbow wouldn't hold up for two years and offered only a one-year deal.

6.  Deregulation would let local phone, long-distance, and cable television companies compete freely against one another.

7.  Derek Harper, who played for the Magic last season, said he sensed the win meant a little more than O'Neal let on.

8.  Derivatives let both have their way -- with an asset that was formerly indivisible.

9.  Deglaze pan with white wine, letting liquid burn off.

10.  Deion Sanders, for all his self-proclaimed show-business instincts, had let the song go on too long.

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