1.  So I wanted to be a judge or lawyer.

2.  The idea job I pursue is to be an excellent civil rights lawyer.

3.  If I am a lawyer, I will help the poor and punish the ill .

4.  But I know it isn't easy for me to be a good lawyer.

5.  Being a good civil rights lawyer, I need knowledge, bravy and clever brain .

6.  In one word, I will do my best to become an excellent civil rights lawyer.

7.  I hope the medical exam report of my grandma won't have May problem, or I will phone the police and cal my lawyer to handle this business.

8.  After conducting a thorough cross-examination, please allow me to have a conclusive statement as defense lawyer.

9.  Defense lawyer In the capitalist country the court is the same that of country in China ..

10.  There are two kinds of lawyers, one for the accused, the other for the prosecutor.

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