1.  A coach-house of slightly later vintage served as a double garage.

2.  A conveyor belt brings you the latest catch, which you then gut, clean and pack for freezing.

3.  A double album of greatest hits and misses, which concentrates on their later years.

4.  A few days later Anderson talked with three of the hard-core leaders.

5.  A few late roses struggled through the encroaching tangles of nettles and bindweed.

6.  A few minutes late, I slipped into the half-full auditorium, spotted Sergei near the back, and sat beside him.

7.  A few minutes later Dexter watched the printer chatter out around two and a half thousand names and addresses.

8.  A few moments later Merrill heard his car start, then roar away into the night.

9.  A few months later Corinne and Joe sent him a new suit for his birthday.

10.  A few weeks later Patrick Ashby came back from the dead and went home to inherit the family house and fortune.

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