31.  Anyone can spot items from the Republican campaign platform.

32.  Democrats said Bush's budget was inadequate in addressing some of the biggest items on the national agenda, including the creation of a prescription drug benefit for retirees.

33.  Democrats say they cannot accept restoration of only a fraction of the money, which would mean having to decide which items to restore and which to forgo.

34.  Democrats say they have a long list of items they can use against Bush.

35.  Despite the NRA's leading role in opposing gun control, the only overtly political items at the organization's museum are in the gift shop.

36.  Daily news items about the industry and coming projects can be found at www.comicon.com/newsarama and also at www.comicscontinuum.com.

37.  Daimler executives also predict that operating profit, excluding one-time items, could drop to as little as $1.2 billion from about $4.9 billion.

38.  Despite the depreciation, prices have not yet increased substantially for all the imported food, clothing and other items that Canadians buy every day.

39.  Department stores, which sell a large selection of clothing as well as items like bedding and cosmetics, did better than specialty stores that traffic only in apparel.

40.  Detectives rake through it and pull out personal items, like scraps of clothing from victims.

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