71.  A fluorescent lamp must be connected to a stabiliser, or ballast, to limit and control its operating current.

72.  A focus group gave its responses to the proposed advertising campaign.

73.  A four-star hotel with its own championship golf course set in a hidden world of parkland, forest and lakes.

74.  A fresh blanket of snow makes it difficult to see exactly how wide a swath the Merced and its feeder creeks cut.

75.  A furnace got its mouth open somewhere, licks tip somebody.

76.  A further restriction on the clinical use of alumina is the response of tissues to its implantation.

77.  A further twenty-seven years were to elapse before the railway reached its ultimate terminus at the Kyle of Lochalsh.

78.  A gas exerts pressure because its molecules are moving about rapidly and in random directions.

79.  A gene in a splurge-weed cell stands to gain by promoting the reproduction of its cell.

80.  A general lack of understanding of factor analysis, however, weakened the impact of the study and its effect was minimal.

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