11.  A black widow spider has a distinctive red hourglass Marking on its stomach.

12.  A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about.

13.  A blue sponge of Holy Water in its receptacle just inside the door was frozen solid.

14.  A Bradshaw board carries locked within its smooth husk the seed of its begetter.

15.  A brief electrical outage had sapped its power.

16.  A business plan was formulated and a general manager appointed to implement its proposals.

17.  A butterfly wing has a dynamically changing structure that allows myriad responses to its own induced wing vortices.

18.  A car rental company subcontracts out the repair and maintenance of its fleet, and focuses on renting.

19.  A cart was making its way up the hill.

20.  A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency.

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