21.  The other is that it is taken for granted that one must take part in the Students' Union.

22.  But it is stereotyping.

23.  The bright summer sun is shining fiercely while cicadas hid in the trees and kept singing endlessly.

24.  The bright summer sun is shining fiercely while cicadas hid in the trees and kept singing endlessly.

25.  If we phone an ordinary college student and ask what he is doing, he'll probably answer: shopping, karaoke, movie, video games and sleeping.

26.  While the study king or queen's answer is definitely studying.

27.  The god or goddess may answer that he or she is playing.

28.  The bright summer sun is shining fiercely while cicadas hid in the trees and kept singing endlessly.

29.  The bright summer sun is shining fiercely while cicadas hid in the trees and kept singing endlessly.

30.  Stereotyping on Campus\

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