51.  In class, my teacher said:" he is taller than I ."

52.  but I heard other one said ;" He is taller than me."

53.  I am not understand which is right and why .

54.  And I want to know what is the different between further and farther in grammar.

55.  The only one classroom has gone instead of a teaching building, a working building a exberiment building and a library.How our swimming poor is building and the library is making louder .

56.  Our school is being better.Television

57.  Televion is connect with our life.

58.  Mr Zi Shui is p6,11-3] one of them.

59.  Our school is also big and beautiful, to the east of it stands a laboratory building, we can do physics, and chemistry in it , to the west of the aching building stands a big .

60.  Plant flowers is a knowledge, we must water them every day and apply fertilizer properly .

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