1.  It is up to individual Decide .

2.  When individual person feel his life is right, they will have a good time.

3.  In the developing country , with the increasing of the level-life , the individual medical measures improved.

4.  Most professional sports can be classified as group sports or individual sports, according to the number of players.

5.  Individual sports are those that the players of each side are not more than two persons, such as golf and tennis, etc.

6.  Some kinds of individual sports can play only by single person each side, though golf belongs to these kinds.

7.  But other kinds of individual sports can play either by single person or by double persons, for example tennis.

8.  Although individual sports can be run among groups sometimes, still they are called individual sports because one game can not be played by all players at the same time, but in turns.

9.  Near the edge of the table, there are five sets of table-wares for individual use.

10.  Students are expected to prepare for a dialogue, an individual speech, a debate or an interpretation activity.

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