71.  But exports to Japan and South Korea would increase to make up some of the shortfall, and continue to record strong growth in the medium term.

72.  But direct marketing and billboard advertising have increased to make up for the loss.

73.  Defense spending should be increased to modernize equipment, and the armed forces should be ready to fully participate in two crisis response operations at the same time.

74.  Despite its small size, safety levels for the Clio II have been increased to match those of the other Renault models.

75.  During the Commonwealth Games, the frequency of trains will be increased to match the expected high demand.

76.  Four modern communications centers are in operation and efforts have increased to gather intelligence about possible threats.

77.  Gen. Wesley K. Clark alarmed some Hondurans by saying U.S. forces at Palmerola might be increased to help fight drug trafficking.

78.  He said the supply had been increased to cope with greater demand during the double festive period.

79.  He hoped the Visa business card business would increase to account for one-third of its credit card account receivables within the next three years.

80.  In recent years pressure has increased to stop the shipments, which are seen as subsidies for the Cuban government.

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