61.  Their Belgian media following has increased to include non-sports publications.

62.  Then, as you get stronger, the weight is gradually increased to produce further strengthening.

63.  This tariff would be allowed to increase only to reflect higher fuel or maintenance costs, and probably would fall.

64.  Western Pacific also said that three Frontier directors will be named to its board which will be increased to have nine directors.

65.  When benefits began to outstrip revenues, taxes were increased to make up shortfalls that were threatening insolvency.

66.  When stocks run dry and merchants start selling tequila made this year, prices in Mexico will increase to near the U.S. levels.

67.  With color film, contrast decreases as exposure time is increased to make faraway faint objects clearer.

68.  Participants later said there was lively discussion on whether, if the treaty were voted down, pressure would increase to resume testing.

69.  Air services between Australia and Indonesia are to be increased to meet rapidly rising demand.

70.  Brown told legislators borrowing would increase to fulfill a plan to boost investment in schools, health care and transportation.

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