1.  And Bush forces seniors he does include to go to HMOs and insurance companies for coverage.

2.  Fill out and mail any documents included to record the warranties.

3.  FirstEnergy officials said the session had given them a clear indication of what information their plan would need to include to satisfy the commission.

4.  If you have reason to be suspicious, you have license to search, including to use supervising software on the computer.

5.  Instead, it merely requires all commercial enterprises airlines included to refrain from defrauding their customers.

6.  Let me make clear what I expect it to include and what it must include for me to give final approval to the participation of our armed forces.

7.  McDonald said he learned several lessons during the past year, including not to trust anyone in the industry.

8.  People go to the opera for many reasons, including to experience a fusion of song and drama that illuminates human passions and foibles.

9.  Since then, Maloney has tiptoed across party lines on many occasions, including to support a Republican tax-cut plan this year.

10.  That leads to some of the stranger erotic touches that are sprinkled throughout the film, apparently included to keep the adults in the audience awake.

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