21.  A large number of logged water wells are now included in the database.

22.  A lavish breakfast buffet, included in the room rate, is served on a patio overlooking the beach.

23.  A layer of gases, including those which are known as the greenhouse gases, surrounds the Earth.

24.  A list of macro names and the text that they include can be used for quick reference.

25.  A literal offering of bread and wine has in the course of time been included in the eucharistic ritual.

26.  A major Decision would have to be taken on whether to include financial reporting as well as auditing.

27.  A merger would have several benefits, Amerman insisted, including stronger international Marketing, more efficient manufacturing and increased shareholder value.

28.  A more general consideration also motivates us to include semantics in the grammar of a language.

29.  A newsletter is regularly produced including excerpts from the electronic messages received and sent by children using the network.

30.  A number of engraved portraits of Norfolk-born naval heros are included in the exhibition.

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