11.  A bad leader, on the other hand, undermines your efforts in subtle ways.

12.  A balanced diet will give nutritional requirements in all the right proportions.

13.  A bald-headed goon in a red blazer shot out of his seat and whacked me on the heel of my left foot.

14.  A ball is thrown from player to player and the person in the middle must try to intercept it.

15.  A band played merrily and to Peach the waiting liner looked as big as their hotel in Florida.

16.  A barn was attached on the left side and the whole place stood in the centre of a stone courtyard.

17.  A barred owl calls down in the swamp.

18.  A barred owl has not showed up in Central Park for Decades.

19.  A barrier layer cell has too slow a response time to be used in instruments that have a chopper.

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