91.  A boyfriend offered me a weekend in Amman, with no strings attached.

92.  A brass band was playing in the park.

93.  A break-down in the number of male and female students shows that the number of female graduates is still inadequate.

94.  A breakdown in communications between these departments can cause slowdowns and a failure to meet production schedules.

95.  A breeze blows the white curtains in on either side of her, two ghostly arms embracing her.

96.  A breeze, a small thing, had slid in from open water.

97.  A bridge of four diodes, connected in reverse parallel with the switching transistors, provides the path for freewheeling currents.

98.  A brief discussion of the most popular herbs in game cooking is in order.

99.  A brief period of loss of contact as in complex partial seizures.

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