
61.  A lot of what exists in these woods can not be seen from my red spruce.

62.  A Lungfish is my constant companion in and out of the fishhouse Least favourite species and why?

63.  A magazine article indicated I might benefit from adding weight lifting to my exercise program.

64.  A man at the edge of the crowd tugged at my arm.

65.  A man with a silver tongue like you should be out making a million dollars for himself, like my son.

66.  A matter has arisen requiring my personal attention.

67.  A mild breeze was picking up, offsetting the heavy blanket of sunshine that settled on my arms.

68.  A more serious consideration to my mind is the continued quotation of Ingard shares on the Stock Exchange.

69.  A note from Mellowes instructed me to cast my eye over the draft, pronto, for inaccuracies.

70.  A number of my male friends are very interested in my neckties.

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