1. As you move up the skill ladder, they become tougher, and the top level for both games is a serious challenge even for the best human players.
2. A human player can play against a friend or the computer.
3. Eventually, he arrived at an expert player, a fact he verified by matching the program against ranked human players.
4. Human players are frankly incidental.
5. In one project he is working on, the human player is the leader of a squad guarding a checkpoint at a bridge.
6. It can, after allowing the human player time to solve various chess positions, produce a rating showing relative strength to other chess players.
7. Lower levels are easy, but the computer players gain skills as the human player moves up the ladder.
8. Studies have shown that in a typical position, a strong human player considers on average only two moves.
9. Such assessment, of course, is what a human player does by using intuition, experience and ingenuity.
10. That is why playing a computer is different from playing a strong human player.